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About Us

Holistic healing for the animals, and their humans.

Mountain Heart began in the mountains and embodies those qualities of grounded strength and sensitivity within a heart-centered avenue for helping the animal kingdom. We take a holistic approach to healing and tailor the work to the individual.
From helping to clear past traumas or behavior issues to rehab to harnessing the clear focus of a competitive horse or dog, this practice is here for those that want to partner with their animal and allow for ultimate healing and wellness of all aspects.


Animal Sessions

Using effective energy medicine techniques specific to animals, these sessions can help bring animals back in touch with their true selves.

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Holistic Horse Training

For those seeking a deeper connection with horses, their riding, and ultimately themselves.

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Bringing balance to all aspects of the body, mind, and spirit through the use of plant essentials.


Sound Therapy

Sound therapy with carefully crafted tuning forks can bring about deep healing for both animals and people.

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When the energy held by the land, home, or animal

 requires a shift.

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Pet Sitting & Dog Walking

Excellent care for others’ animals while their loved humans are away.

About Kate

Kate has been connected with the animals for her whole life, and has been studying the language of energy and that which is not spoken aloud yet still felt just as strongly and as clearly as words.


In 2010 after a serious traumatic event, she shifted course and after more quiet reflection, set sail towards a true journey of healing. Deep personal work continued to bring her back to the realm she felt most at home in, surrounded by the animals. There was always a fascination in science and understanding the full ‘why’, so it made sense to couple the linear knowledge with the intuitive gifts she had kept opening up to, diving further into the healing arts.


Always one to make her own path, she followed her instincts and guidance, moving around the West and eventually cross-country in late 2018, following a calling to live near the Sea.


Kate is a Certified Healing Touch for Animals Practitioner, and has extensive training in Holistic Horsemanship (Certified), Aromatherapy, Healing Touch, sound therapy, soul work, pendulum, chakra diagnosis, kinesiology, and animal communication.


She specializes in rehabilitating animals that seem disconnected from their true selves. Whether physically dealing with an injury or illness, or emotionally experiencing trauma from accidents, grief, or transition; each animal client is individually and sensitively assessed and given appropriate care.  


Believing that all animals are teachers for us 2-leggeds, she is fortunate enough to have been chosen by two incredible 4-legged beings she calls family. Fourteen years with a soul horse and ten years with a very special canine bring daily joy, tears, laughter and lessons as they help her see her own true self and live within her own truth just as they do.  


Stay tuned this Spring and check out a less abbreviated version of Kate’s journey.


Find Mountain Heart on social media for current happenings.

About Kate


​(847) 721-9892

Please email if before 8am or after 8pm, thank you.

Look forward to connecting!




In-person in coastal Maine, and available for distance sessions everywhere.

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